It is not allowed to hold a match in which a team comes to compete with jerseys bearing the name of another team
The duration of each match is 4 periods of ten minutes of net time.
In case of a draw, only one (1) extension of five minutes will be given, without timeout.
Each team can declare up to 15 (fifteen) athletes. If one of the two teams declares ten (10) athletes only, then the opposing team can also compete with ten (10) athletes, regardless of whether it has declared fifteen.
If a team declares less than ten (10) players, the match will not take place, that team loses the match which is guaranteed in favor of the opposing team with a score of 20-0.
Tournament teams are required to use each of their athletes for at least ten minutes in each match.
Specifically, in the first ten minutes of the race, five (5) athletes will participate, who will be replaced by another five (5) before the start of the second ten minutes.
The remaining athletes will participate in the third ten minutes.
During the first two ten minutes periods of the first half, it is not allowed to replace athletes, except in case of injury or expulsion (five fouls, etc.), with an athlete who has not participated until that moment.
In the third ten minutes period, changes are allowed only to athletes who have been used and play for the second time in the game. In the fourth ten minutes period, changes are allowed for everyone.
The Championships Committee has the right during the examination of the Scoresheets to reset a team that competed with fewer than ten athletes.
A team is not allowed to apply zone defense, zone press with traps and any variation thereof.
If this is found, then the referees can punish with a technical penalty the responsible team and if they then find a repeat of the violation they may interrupt the match against it.
Every ten minutes will be given one (1) time out in the 5th minute.
In case of extension, this will have a duration of 5 minutes, of net time with the right to change players and without time out on either side.
The coaches of each team, at the end of the match, are obliged to indicate on the back of the scoresheet, the two distinguished athletes of the opposing team.